
In an effort to encourage myself and other Tru Ladies, I have started this blog as an open journal.  My focus is on the attributes of the Proverbs 31 Woman and how to attain them in today’s society.

Who am I?

My name is Djuana Monique.

I am a 38 year old woman of God.

I have been married to my best friend for 11 years.

I have been sporting my natural hair since January 2010 with no plans of ever going back to the creamy crack.

I am a plus-sized woman trying to stay motivated to reach my “petite – plus” size.  The size I was back in my hey day. 🙂

I am a retired music teacher, lifelong student and aficionado that believes in the power and healing of music!  I LOVE MUSIC!

I am a realist, compounded by an astounding faith with just a healthy dose of skepticism in mankind’s beliefs and ways.

I love the youth!!!!!  I sincerely believe that the children are our future…AND it’s okay to spank that behind to keep em in line!  Tough love is most times necessary for children to become decent citizens of society.

I am building my business, Tru Talent Productions.  Learning how to be an effective, efficient and successful businesswoman with Christ as my foundation.

I am learning how to be a Proverbs 31 Woman

I am on a journey to tear down every negative and incorrect aspect of my self-image and self-esteem.


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